Friday, July 25, 2008

I've been tagged

Sara just tagged me with the Husband Tag. I've never done one of these before. We'll see how it goes....

1. What is your husband's name? Robert
2. How long have you guys been together? Our 10th wedding anniversary is on Aug. 8. (Hopefully a good present will come out of this anniversary. We'll see.)
3. How long did you date for? We dated for exactly 2 weeks before we decided to get married. My mom cried for a week afterwards when she heard. I think that she thought I was too young to be throwing my life away.
4. Who eats more? Duh.
5. Who said "I love you" first? He did. He told it to me a week after we started dating and I said, "thank you".
6. Who is taller? He is 3 inches taller than I am. We are pretty much the same height on Sunday when I wear my high heels.
7. Who sings better? Define better. Neither of us will be winning contests for our singing voices anytime soon.
8. Who is smarter? The obvious choice would be Dr. Rob, though I do have to say that I actually did have higher ACT scores than he did and I was recruited by Harvard, Yale and Oxford. However, that was back in the days before I had kids and before my mind atrophied from disuse.
9. Who does the laundry? Me, but he usually helps me fold.
10. Who does the dishes? He unloads the dishwasher and I load.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. I am always actually on his right side in almost everything we do. When we sleep I have to be on his right side or we can't sleep. If we are holding hands I have to be on his right side or it feels really wierd. When we are at a restaurant in a booth, I am always on his right side, but we hate it because i am left-handed and he is right-handed and we are always bumping elbows.
12. Who pays the bills? I do. He really doesn't care where the $ goes as long as all of the bills are paid and we have a little left over.
13. Who mows the lawn? He does. In Springville we had a little tiny square of lawn that he mowed with a weed whacker because our lawn mower broke. Out here in Illinois we had to buy a new lawn mower, but since he hasn't started working yet, we could only afford a push lawnmower instead of a riding lawn mower. First time he mowed our lawn, it took him two days to get it done!
14. Who cooks dinner? I usually do, but he is really good to step in if I am tired or bitter.
15. Who is more stubborn? That is easy. Me for sure. Rob is the most laid-back person I have ever met.
16. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first.
17.Who asked who out first? I'm not sure about that one. We were just friends and hanging out when we decided that we liked each other. There was really no official dating involved.
18. Who proposed? Well, two weeks after we starting dating we were at Rob's brother's house laying on the trampoline and looking at the stars. The subject somehow got around to marriage and we, in our roundabout ways, said how we finally felt and agreed that's what we were going to do. He officially proposed a few weeks later at Venice Beach. We were down at his parent's house for his niece's blessing and we were walking around the beach looking for seashells. He called me over to come look at a shell that he had found and then he flipped if over and my ring was inside.
19. Who is more sensitive? Me, though I try to deny it.
20. Who has more friends? I do, but he is able to keep his friends longer and his care for his friendships better than I can.
21. Who has more siblings? He does. There are four kids in my family and 5 in his.
22. Who wears the pants in the family? I have the dominant personality, but he wears the pants in the family. When he feels strongly about something, I defer to him and he always gets his way. I don't fuss about this system because he is really laid back and really doesn't care how I run things, so even though I always defer to him when he cares about an issue, I get my way 99.9% of the time.

That was fun! I tag Courtney, Katrina and Teresa!


Farrah said...

That was fun to read too! Thanks for all the details!! :)

Katrina said...

That was funny, Becky! You quack me up!

Katrina said...

That was funny, Becky! You quack me up!

Rachel said...

I loved reading about you guys! You're so funny.

Tigerlily said...

I love your response to "I love you!" I can totally see you saying that! I laughed and laughed.

Kristy said...

That was fun to read...sorry I make few comments. For some reason your blog doesn't load all the way sometimes.

Tammy and Mark said...

Mark and I loved reading about you and Rob! That was great.