Monday, February 4, 2008

Sugar Rush

Saturday was Kaitlin's 7 th birthday party, which we had at Color Me Mine. I decided that after the last birthday party we had for her two years ago, which ended with 10 manic girls beating a poor helpless piniata and grinding jolly ranchers into my carpet, that we would never ever EVER have a birthday party at our poor little townhome again. Instead, in my wisdom, I decided that this year we would escort 12 perfectly behaved children on a short leisurely drive to a very fun location where they would quietly and patiently paint their little works of art until the appropriate time came, and then we would quietly have cake and open presents and head on home. That was my vision. Beautiful, wasn't it. (Moment of silence, please.)

Unfortunately, things never go the way that I envision them. Picture this instead. 12 manic children, high on gummy bears, m & m's and soda running around, screaming at the top of their lungs. Begging for food. Asking for help painting their items. Begging for food. Asking for help making their princess fairy wands and animal puppets. Begging for soda. Running around the store chasing each other and laughing hysterically. Begging for cake. Attacking Kaitlin to try to help her open her presents. Chairs almost knocked over. Begging for treat bags and prizes. Sticky soda and cheeto residue all over the floor. In the car singing the "High School Musical 2" soundtrack at the top of their lungs, interrupted by intermittent shreiking and screaming. Coming home and waiting for parents. Finding three little girls in your bathroom closet standing in a basket of your dirty towels and underwear so they can hear themselves sing the High School Musical 2" soundtrack songs better. Need I say more?

All kidding aside, we had a wonderful day in which we celebrated 7 years with my beautiful baby Kaitlin. We all had fun and her friends were a joy. And the most beautiful part? I didn't have to clean up a thing!


Katrina said...

You are a brave soul, Sister Mehl. 12 children at a place where everything is breakable? You're amazing. Cute pics. Happy B-Day Kaitlin!

Teresa said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. Now I know why they put you in activity days. Which reminds me, we need to have a little powow and swap ideas!

courtneyb said...

I love your high expectations. Why 12? Your insane. But glad it all went well and your house wasn't destroyed :)

Becky said...

I admit that I am insane. But i'll probably end up doing it again next year. Some people (me in particular) never learn.

Farrah said...

Can't decide if you're insane or brave. Maybe both. I admire you. I wanna be like you when I grow up!