Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Road Trip!

It took us three days to arrive here in Illinois. We left on Sunday, July 6 around 9 am. I cried my eyes out as we were driving through Spanish Fork canyon because it hit me how much I was going to miss all of my family and friends. It is always so sad to move on, even if moving on is a good thing. I managed to compose myself around Scofield and the rest of the trip went pretty well.

Here we are in No Name, Colorado (yes, that really is it's name) enjoying the beautiful scenery:

We got stuck in traffic right after we took this picture. The two hour trip from No Name to Denver turned into almost five hours! This is the embroidery I was able to finish in ONE day because we were in the car for so freakin' long. (Not bitter, not bitter at all)

Here is Kaitlin lounging in the car as she watches one of the 20 Disney movies that she watched in 3 days. Notice the stinky foot kicking me in the back of the head. :)

Here are Robbie and I enjoying our ride together.

We stayed in Goodland, Kansas our first night, in a hotel that was gross. We were too tired to care much, so it was OK. The next day we drove 5 hrs to Kansas City. Last time we were there, we passed by a hotel that Rob has been obsessed with ever since. He loves water, as we all know, and this hotel has an indoor waterpark. He booked us a "Kid Kamp Suite", which had a part sectioned off for the kids that resembled a cabin with bunk beds. The girls loved it!

The water park was a blast as well. We checked in at 4 and were at the water park until 9. We ate dinner, went to bed and woke up early to go there again before we had to check out. Even water-hater me had fun.

Here we are on day three as we are about to cross the Mississippi.

The girls were obsessed with sunglasses this trip and wore them every chance that they got. If you see the angry clouds in the background you will see that sunglasses were not necessary in either pic, but they sure looked fabulous!!

These are the angry clouds that greeted us as we reached the Mississippi. This is the point where we wondered if this was a bad omen and if we should turn around and drive home as quickly as possible.

Finally, here is the blinding rain that we hit about 15 mile away from our destination. I was a little freaked out because the clouds were moving in so fast and because they were so angry looking. I was right to be worried because later we found out that the tornado sirens had sounded in our new hometown and also that a tornado had actually touched down between our town and a neighboring town. What a welcome!!


courtneyb said...

that hotel is so cool!! What is it called? I love your first appearance on the blog, it's about time. I miss you, hope you guys are adjusting o.k.

Teresa said...

I was in Kansas a few years ago in the summer and we had tornado warnings where we were. Yes, I agree your rain is scary...our rain is refreshing!

Anonymous said...

We will miss you!

Tigerlily said...

The girls do look fabulous! Jessica misses Kaitlin so we need to get that email going. She came down stairs and laying backwards on the couch with her head on the floor said "I am so bored! I wish Kaitlin was here!" I always wanted to see a tornado. I wanted to see one in Oklahoma. Maybe not.....Your hotel looks like fun. I think I saw it on the travel channel. As for my memory. I was taking a walk... new to the area when a couple stopped me as I walked by. She was so friendly. Hey and she stamps like me! A few days later you showed up with a jar of strawberry jam. I knew I was going to like you.

Melinda B. said...

Tornadoes! I guess food storage is a little more than a commandment there. Glad you made it and had an adventurous trip!

Kristy said...

The adventure sounds fun although probably a bit nerve racking being in the car so long. It's good to hear that everything is going well with you guys.

Holly said...

so sad to have missed saying goodbye to you guys! hope you are all adjusting well and no more tornados!