Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Carnival Fun!!

Once again, last week, the carnival rolled into town!! My kids look forward to this week with anticipation throughout the whole year. They talk about it in the car, they compare carnival ride stories with their friends, they ask continually when the carnival will be back in town so that they can go on all the "super fun" rides. The girls were frantic with glee last week when they finally saw the flashing lights and heard the horrible music beckoning to them. On Saturday, after a week of begging, we finally were able to make it there!! They were able to ride on the merry-go-round, which is always a favorite...

and ride a few of the other kiddie rides as well.

They had a blast as usual, even though Kaitlin is at an age where she is too big to really have tons of fun with kiddie rides, but is too small to go on the bigger rides. These two girls are really able to have fun wherever they go!! Carnivals are not really my thing, but I think that it is wonderful that even though I am only able to see worn out and dirty old rides, my girls are able to see magic in it all. That is an amazing thing.

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