Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Apologies and other Random musings.....

My apologies. Yes, it's true, it has been over a year since I have officially posted. I feel sorry for the pain I have caused you of not waking up to a post of mine every day. I know, i know. The burdens you have had to bear, my many, many followers. I'm so sorry for the pain I have caused you. (Insert sarcasm here, if you couldn't tell...)

I have been stressed this past year, to say the least, and I've let many things give way because of it. I guess I've been in a survival mode of sorts, just doing the things I need to do and not much of anything else. Anyway, I happened to look at my blog a few weeks ago, and I had fun reading over some of the things that I had posted and just remembering things that I haven't thought about in a while. Mind you, I have never been one to post very often, and I know my posts aren't particularly funny or witty or important, but it was so nice to look back on some of good times I have had with my little fam. I was sad when I finished reading because I realized I haven't taken the time that I should to record some of the cute and fun daily memories I have. So, I have a new goal: To post a little something, hopefully every day, so I have a journal of sorts for my family. Something I can look back on in a few years and feel that same feeling of joy I had as I remembered crazy birthday parties, dance recitals, little family vacations and just silly and random daily happenings.

Plus, who wouldn't want to know more about this super attractive bunch?


Teresa said...

Yeah!! I was beginning to wonder if you had fallen off the face of the earth! It will be fun to see what you guys have been up to...and how big your kids have gotten! Welcome back!!!

courtneyb said...

it's a Christmas miracle!

Becky said...

I'm the gift that keeps on giving, Courtney :) Thanks Teresa!